Category Archives: Vitamins

7 Ways to Lose and Maintain Weight Naturally

Extra weight, obesity, has been known to cause all sorts of damage to our body. No one likes carrying the extra weight, and if we think we are over-weight, we continuously look for new strategies or methods which are quick and require minimal efforts. Demand for weight-loss methods is quite high, and the reason is that most of these methods don’t even work. So how do we find out what works? And where should we start? It is important to lose weight, but maintaining that new weight is even more important.

To answer this question and find a lasting weight loss method, James O. Hill and Rena Wing founded a National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) in 1994. Purpose of NWCR was to collect information from individuals who were above the age of 18, and maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for more than a year. Data was collected for seventeen years with the participation of more than 6,000 individuals, and results were published in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health and Fitness Journal in 2011.

As a result of this study, Hill stated that almost all of the individuals (90% of them) worked at home, and 40% (of the total number of participants) exercised with friends. Hill also stated that sustained high levels of physical activity was the most important predictor of lasting weight maintenance. Therefore, the following seven tips were formulated as a result of the study.

  1. Physical activity – Regular physical activity is very crucial, as it not only helps you lose weight, but also makes you feel better (targets both the mental and physical part). More than half of the NWCR participants got about 3-4 hours of exercise per week.
  2. Reduce television time – If you watch a lot of television, then you will need to reduce it down to a reasonable number of hours. Watching TV simply reduces the amount of physical activity. Around 63% of participants watched less than 10 hours per week.
  3. Low-calorie diet – It is advised that you follow a low-fat diet, providing all the essential nutrients you need. NWCR participants, on average, consumed 1,380 calories per day.
  4. Your diet should be consistent.
  5. Breakfast – It is very important that you eat breakfast daily, it not only gives you enough energy to start your day with, but also restrains the feeling of hunger throughout the day. About 80% of the participants of this study eat breakfast daily.
  6. Exercise self-control – Keep your eating habits in control, and try not to overeat.
  7. Track progress – Weigh yourself daily and keep track of what you eat. This will help you stay focused anytime deviations arise.

These seven tips may help anyone who wishes to lose weight and maintain that weight naturally, all it requires is dedication and some effort. I know that it is not easy to get started, but once you get started, the results are absolutely worth it. We often make a mistake by under-estimating what our body is capable of doing, and we tend to start injecting or consuming foreign substances in our body, which may do more damage than benefits. We just don’t know what such substances are going to inside our body.

By following these tips listed above, you not only lose weight and maintain it naturally, but also gain more self-confidence and self-esteem. Once you get going and achieve your goals, you will be very proud of yourself when you stand in front of the mirror next time.

If this article was any helpful to you, please feel free to share it with people you know so they may start loosing weight the natural way, and stop consuming foreign substances (which may not be very helpful). Thank you.


“Weight loss strategies * activity aids test scores.” JOPERD–The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 82.7 (2011).

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