Category Archives: Vitamin D

Vitamin D and Calcium Help Maintain Healthy Bones – Benefits, Symptoms and Sources

Vitamin D Result in Healthy BonesVitamin D is absolutely essential to maintain healthy bones. As we age, our body’s ability to store vitamin D goes down. Vitamin D is normally produced via our skin where ultraviolet waves from sun hit and convert vitamin D precursors to functional vitamin D.

Calcium and vitamins D supplements are usually taken together. Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium efficiently (which is the reason why they are taken together). Calcium is a mineral and is the main component of bones. Together vitamin D and calcium help our body maintain healthy and strong bones.

Apart from its major role in maintaining healthy bones, this special mineral is essential for many other important tasks in out body. Calcium helps with nervous signalling and muscular coordination. This mineral helps the muscles contract which allows us to go about our daily business.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms due to deficiency are subtle, and are generally not noticed until the disease has begun. Vitamin D and calcium deficiency results in the formation of softer bones in children, which is a medical condition named Rickets.

In adults, chances of osteoporosis, heart disorders and cancer are increased due to the deficiency of vitamin D and Calcium. One of the major symptoms, which are noticeable early on, is the frequent fractures of bones which result due to “slight stress” on bones.

Sources of Vitamin D and Calcium

It is very important to maintain a healthy diet which provides all kinds of vitamins which are essential for our body. However, as we age, our body can’t store adequate amounts of vitamin D, and at this point vitamin supplements should be taken with the advice of your physician.

Major sources of Vitamin D include soy drinks, fortified milk, orange juice, cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, margarine, eggs, beef liver and cheese. Calcium can be obtained from milk, yogurt, cheese, rice, soy beverages, orange juice, tofu, almonds, baked beans, white beans, milk pudding, and broccoli.

Vitamin D from Diet is Preferred

Having a balanced diet is the best way to keep ourselves healthy. A well balanced diet is usually sufficient enough to provide all the vitamins and mineral. However, sometimes our diet fails to provide such nutrients due to reasons beyond our control, that’s when taking vitamins supplements should be considered.

Vitamin supplements are very helpful but they should be used when all else fails. Before starting any kind of vitamin supplements, it is important to consult your doctor.

Vitamin supplements are normally very safe to take. Sometimes, when intake increases the maximum amount which can be consume, symptoms related to common medical disorders may appear. In such a case, vitamin supplements should be stopped immediately and family doctor should be consulted.

Together vitamin D and calcium can helps us maintain healthy bones are provide many other health benefits.

Thiamine is another very important vitamin, click the following link to learn more about it.
Thiamine Benefits

More vitamin D related information can be found on the menu on the right.

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